Product Overview
Price Range: £ - £
SCANIFY is the handheld 3D scanner that allows you to quickly and easily capture 3D models of everyday objects for 3D printing or on-screen applications from Fuel3D.
When you take a picture on a conventional 3D mobile phone or digital camera you are using a technique known as stereoscopic imaging. This uses two camera viewpoints, one for each eye, to display a “3D” image on a stereoscopic screen that gives the impression of depth. In contrast, the core technology behind SCANIFY fuses geometric and photometric stereo 3D recovery techniques and is finely tuned to capture high resolution 3D color images.
Contact INITION to explore our entire range of technologies, or to arrange a tour of our London Demo Studio.
Alternatively, call +44 (0)20 7377 2949 and ask to speak with Jay Short, our 3D Technology Consultant.