Our latest VR Meetup – held last night in our demo studio – brought together virtual reality enthusiasts from all corners of the city to showcase, explore and celebrate all the latest VR developments, ideas, games and applications.
If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry because we’ve captured all the best bits from the night in a handy-dandy, one-stop list below:
INITION: VR Meetup: London event – 28 August 2014 from INITION on Vimeo.
- Theo Steyn discussed the potential impact of integrating virtual technology into the classroom
- Ben Librojo debuted his sensory accompaniment to the Oculus Rift for future VR gameplay

- Xavier Selva illustrated Android VR streaming directly from the web
- Jake Slack premiered his Private Eye positional VR game
- University student Joseph A. Strub discussed 360° filmmaking
- Peter O’Shaughnessy talked WebVR and how Mozilla, Google and Apple are all developing and releasing tools to experiment with 3D and virtual reality experiences using their products
- Duncan Walker of Trashgames premiered his Night Mission game

- Peter Maddalena showcased his mysterious VR experience
- RewindFX made a few people weak at the knees with an adrenalin rushing Red Bull Air Race VR experience
VR Meetup: London – Red Bull Air Race from INITION on Vimeo.
After a series of short talks, everyone was free to roam the room and try out each of the exciting VR experiences.
We’re officially deeming the evening a huge success – can’t wait for the next one!